Speakers and Testimonies


Guidelines for Arranging a Survivor Presentation


Holocaust Speakers Bureau of the Jewish Community Relations Council
2100 Arch Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1389
E-mail: brazin@jfgp.org

Phone: 215-832-0650
Fax: 215-440-7680

Survivor Speakers Bureau
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126
E-mail: speakersbureau@ushmm.org
Phone: 202-314-7824
Fax: 202-488-2695


Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
Yale University Library
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240
Phone: (203) 432-1879
Fax: (203) 432-7441
E-mail: fortunoff.archive@yale.edu

The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies is a collection of over 4,400 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust. Part of Yale University's department
of Manuscripts and Archives, the archive is located at Sterling Memorial Library.

The Holocaust Oral History Archive of Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027
Phone: 215-635-7300, ext. 130
E-mail: fjfisher@verizon.net

The Gratz College collection is one of the earliest Holocaust oral history projects in the U.S. and includes over 850 audiotaped interviews, most of which are transcribed, catalogued and available through interlibrary loan.

remember.org—A Cybrary of the Holocaust

Holocaust Community founded in 1995 to Remember, Zachor, Sich Erinnern. Remember.org offers contributors (survivors, liberators, historians, and teachers) a place to connect and share the best research resources and stories through art, photography, painting, audio/video, and remembrance.

Shoah Resouce Center (www.yadvashem.org)

The Holocaust Resource Center has a large collection of sources from the Yad Vashem Archives, including various kinds of original Holocaust-era documentation provided in English including letters and diaries written by Jews during the Holocaust, numerous photographs and original documents. The Holocaust Resource Center serves as a repository for the collection of the testimonies of Holocaust survivors that have been collected at Yad Vashem over the years, as well as excerpts from memoirs written by survivors after the war. The Resource Center supports this collection of primary sources with excerpts from research studies, as well as, works of art, and historical maps and charts.

Tennessee Holocaust Commission has posted videos of individuals who agreed to sit for the Living On portraits and tell their stories. They are direct witnesses to one of the most complex episodes in human history. Their personal testimonies of World War II, providing future generations a first-hand account of the events they witnessed.

USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education
Leavey Library
650 W. 35th Street, Suite 114
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2571
Email: vhi-web@usc.edu
Phone: 213-740-6001

Relying on local staff members, interviewers, videographers, and volunteers, the USC Shoah Foundation Institute videotape nearly 52,00 interviews in 56 countries and in 32 languages. View segments of testimony from the Institute’s Visual History Archive. Segments are organized according to topics, which include hiding, ghettos, and liberation. Biographical information about each interviewee is included with each testimony clip.