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Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027

Director, Tuttleman Library
Eliezer M. Wise



Tuttleman Library
of Gratz College

The Tuttleman Library, a specialized academic library of Hebraica and Judaica, is a major national and international Judaic resource and serves as the Jewish Public Library of Greater Philadelphia. The Tuttleman Library houses a collection of over 125,000 items, including 2,200 titles of Holocaust and Holocaust-related resources, including books, videos, and music. In addition, there are approximately 1,400 titles on World War II. Additional books, available at the Auerbach Central Agency for Jewish Education/Jewish Outreach Partnership, can be accessed through the Tuttleman Library catalogue. For inquiries regarding ACAJE/JOP videos and other Holocaust-related resources, please contact 215-635-8940.